Network She – In a nutshell

It is the second day of the second week of the Easter holidays, the weather has been kind, but the work load hasn’t and something has had to give. I could have sat the kids in front of the TV and tackled the bulging in box or I could close the lid and head to the Park. The Park it was, bathed in sunshine and awash with kids- just how it should be. 

Thanks to the wonders of not so new technology, I was able to take part in the new Network She Power Hour on Twitter, interacting with real business women juggling real life. Some of us on the park in the sunshine juggling kids, others on a quick lunch break from the office or routine of work or self-employment juggling the workload. It was a great first Power Hour and the start of something that will organically grow as it goes live every Tuesday 1-2pm for a bite size piece of weekly midday motivation.




Scheduled Posts

The down side of it was the amount of scheduled posts that posed as interactive, supportive, collaborative contacts, when in fact all you were getting was the result of a few “generic” hours spent on Hoot Suite (other scheduling tools are available) I am not saying they aren’t great, they have their place but in an interactive, responsive hour, bringing real people together, automation wasn’t the way to grow your tribe.

We have a massive tribe building at Network She as we continuously add on member benefits, new and exciting projects and events all supporting you personally, professionally, socially and emotionally, it is the the support you need when you need it- Network She in a nut shell. It all sounds obvious and to those who have experienced it, especially via the Boadicea Boardroom, it is just that- obvious 


I met a lady in a car park recently, while waiting for French teenage boys to get off the coach- like you do (other nationalities are available). We got chatting and got to the “what do you do” stage of the conversation. I explained, telling her what Network She did, concentrating, as I do, on the business and professional support and resources we offer. “that’s great” she said, “I don’t want to be all wrapped up in any of that emotional support stuff” I got what she meant, I am not pink, fluffy or touchy feely.


A Confident Conversation 

I confidently relayed the conversation back to a number of members of the Boadicea Boardrooms that we have run over the last five years. I was somewhat surprised by what they all had to say. Yes, they all joined the Boadicea Boardroom initially for the professional support and to grow their business, it is what they wanted and what they needed, and it it is what they got. But, in hindsight, and the reason they stay together, long after the year life expectancy of the group, is because of the emotional support and understanding they receive from other real women, leading real lives, that they can relate to.  They said “It has proved to be the most powerful, empowering element of the experience”


The Power

Don’t under estimate the power of a small group of women, supporting you personally, professionally, socially and emotionally, they are the support you need when you need it

To find out more about the Network She Boadicea Boardroom click here

I look forward to meeting you on Twitter, in the Boadicea Boardroom and even on the park!


Ruth x 

Join in the conversation, join Network She here


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