Capturing your memories!
The idea behind the Lockdown Legacy
It will only take a matter of months and this all-consuming pandemic could be a thing of the past, well forgotten. Certain generations will have no memory of it, some generations will choose not to remember it and others will never be allowed to forget.
The idea behind “The Lockdown Legacy” is to ensure that future generations and those too young now to remember in the years ahead, have a clear record and documentation of how it affected each and every one of us, world-wide. We may not have all been in the same boat, but for once the world was sailing into the same storm.
The book itself is full of tears and heartbreak, it is full of joy and laughter but the theme that runs throughout it more than anything is the theme of hope, hope and the future. We’re sure when you get time to digest it, you’ll agree what a fabulous read it is.
It shows how different lockdown was for everybody, even for people within the same families. For some, the restrictions of lockdown have been nothing more than a government-imposed inconvenience but for others it has been a life changing tragedy, the memory of which will never leave them. So many momentous occasions took place that we normally take for granted like a birthday, a birth or a bereavement, an anniversary or a wedding and we believe that having to go through these in isolation and lockdown, we have gained a new form of respect for them and how they affect us as individuals. A respect that we hope we don’t lose again. This book will help us to remember and appreciate what people outside of our bubble went through.
Who will the Lockdown Legacy support?
The Lockdown Legacy could not have happened without our contributors. You will hear from women of all ages, race, creeds, colour and background from all corners of the UK and beyond.
All profits will be in aid of The Network She Foundation, to support women and young girls into employment, education and sport. Grant applications will be invited to apply for the support – keep an eye on our social media channels.
The Lockdown Legacy Launch Luncheon
Wednesday 10th November 2021, The Doubletree Hilton – Chester
Thank you to Sarah White Photography for helping us capture the day.