The Importance of Lasting Powers of Attorney

“Having a Lasting Power of Attorney is just as, if not more, important as having a Will”

Martin Lewis of Money Saving Expert recently talked to Holly and Phil about Wills and Powers of Attorney … see him here

There are two types of LPAs, both of which give authority to those you trust in the event something happens to you that means you don’t have capacity to do things or make decisions for yourself.

– A Property and Financial LPA covers your bills, banking and benefits.
– A Health and Welfare LPA covers your care and treatment.

Common examples are getting help if you are incapacitated by dementia or stroke, but you can also give authority for financial transactions while you are temporarily out of the country.

Once you lose capacity it is too late to grant others authority, so don’t wait until it is too late. Talk to us now about how we can help you get these important documents prepared and registered so you are ready in case they are needed.

Our service includes personal home visits to discuss what you need, preparing all the forms for the Office of the Public Guardian, ensuring all the signatures are completed correctly and dealing with any OPG queries during the registration process. For a couple, this service costs £250*, plus OPG registration fees.

* Discounts are available for existing Wills customers, those on low incomes, and those that are facing an early diagnosis of dementia or cancer (for whom we believe it’s critical to get these documents in place now)

Find out more about LPAs on our website


By Nicola Combe

Morecambe Bay Wills and Estates

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