Where did it go. Did it flash before your eyes too?
It only feels like a few short months ago that we were welcoming in the New Year with open arms. A new year brimming with new hopes, new dreams, new aspirations, new goals and then all of a sudden, in the blink of an eye 2018 is over.
2019 is in the blocks all ready, set to go and race off at a galloping pace. And we will let it. Before we have even had time to reflect on all we have achieved, or not as the case maybe, we are at risk of being the proverbial bull heading in to the china shop of a brand new year. So before we go crashing in let’s put the brakes on, let’s catch our breath and take a peek at the aftermath of another year lived.
Last January did you set yourself the usual array of resolutions, failed to plan and in a nutshell planned to fail? Or did you end 2018 as a better version of yourself?
Take a minute to take a look back at all you have achieved, survived and dealt with. Give yourself a big pat on the back. Life can be tough so don’t let your capacity to survive another 12 months on the planet go unnoticed. Celebrate every success however small it may appear to the outside world. In fact, they may not even be able to see it at all, but that doesn’t make it any the less significant to you, your business and your wellbeing.
At the end of 2017, I made the resolution, in fact a firm decision. Rather than do more stuff in 2018 my resolution was not to do certain stuff, the stuff that I am not good at, the stuff I dislike doing or the stuff I know would be better served by someone else.
The aim was to organise not agonise. I was going to wave off the burden of responsibility for certain tasks to others, in theory giving me more time to be creative and more time for Network She shenanigans. By the end of 2018 I was also going to be a thinner, healthier version of myself heading up a successful international business- So how did I do.
Well I weigh exactly the same amount as I did this time last year, which in itself is something of an achievement. It took a lot longer than planned to off load the work load and I paid the price when three quarters of the way in to the year a nasty night time, face first fall down the stairs gave me something of a wakeup call, a black eye and post-concussion syndrome. Having escaped from the stress of corporate life I was now guilty of creating my own stress and more of it than was healthy. I knew then I had to take stock and commit to taking care of the one person I had been neglecting- Me.
Women Mean Business Week
Looking back now I am amazed at the amount of initiatives, events and new projects we delivered in 2018. We launched Women Mean Business Week in March, a full week of activity leading up to International Women’s Day. In June we held the very first Network She Women in Sport North Wales Conference. It was a fantastic day bringing together over 120 people who either compete in sport, deliver sport, are ambassadors of sport or are just keen to get involved and find out what is out there. We had key note speaker presentations from Motor Racer Jade Paveley, Rugby International Rachel Taylor and World Champion Surfer Jo Dennison.

Women In Sport Conference, North Wales at Surf Snowdonia
National initiatives Sports Wales and Sported came on board to support the event held at Surf Snowdonia. It was a great success and something we pulled off in just five weeks.
Fizzy Friday 5k
September saw the return of the Fizzy Friday 5K, a great fun run with the added sparkle of five fizzy pit stops. The end of September played host to the fourth Women Mean Business Conference, an event that gets bigger and better every year- how do I know, because that’s what the attendees and the exhibitors tell me.

Fizzy Friday 5k – Network She Foundation Charity with Bella The Prosecco Van
In 2019, amongst other things, I am going to make friends with myself. We have been through some tough times over the years, we are in this together and I need me to be fit and well. The Royal we have also had some great times and are planning to have lots more fun as we take Network She to the next level reaching out to women across the world as well as the women who are just around the corner.

Women Mean Business Conference 2018
Although I will be glad to put the decorations away and wave a fond farewell to 2018, this quick look back has made me realise how proud I am of what Network She has achieved and delivered in 2018. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the help of Mel who has been both the driving force and the brakes on the Network She Mothership. Therefore, I have promised that we will tip toe our way in to the new year, building up to a full on cha cha cha. Life after all is strictly for living – Enjoy!
Wishing you all a very happy New Year
Love & Shenanigans
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