
Consciously Aware – One Woman Epiphany

Tomorrow, Saturday 6th January is Epiphany. A very important day in the Christian calendar, celebrating the baptism of the baby Jesus. It also marks the visit of the Three Wise Men, who as we know get all the credit for arriving late bearing extortionate gifts, probably bought and wrapped by the wife – but who am I to judge.

For those of you who have long lost sight of the true meaning of Christmas, basically Epiphany is the day you take the decs down. A day sooner or later is considered unlucky, and if the tree, tinsel and trimmings aren’t all packed away on Twelfth Night, then according to tradition they should stay up all year – God forbid – literally!


Now, an Epiphany is also a moment when you suddenly feel that you understand, or experience a light bulb moment, becoming consciously aware of something that is important to you.


One-Woman Epiphany

I had my very own one-woman epiphany on a sunbed in Bali back in October. Lying there soaking up the South East Asian sunshine, on the homeward leg of the holiday of a life time.

For someone who has come to long-haul late in life, I made up for it last year by travelling to Singapore, Australia and Bali. It was an amazing trip, we, being me and Mr. Network She, travelled the Great Ocean Road between Melbourne and Adelaide, visited family in Brisbane, experienced Surfers Paradise and celebrated a wedding that never was on Stradbroke Island. Memories were made by the millions and will be revisited for years to come, as will our overdraft.

I lay there, on my sunbed in Bali, contemplating the homeward journey and all that was awaiting our return. I was really looking forward to catching up with family and friends. To apologising to Team Network She who were bombarded by my emails and text messages throughout the wee small hours, as I conveniently forgot that we were all on different time zones.   Christmas was only six weeks away and more importantly my birthday on 9th December. I love my birthday and can milk it like a dairy farmer. It was then, as I relished in the forthcoming birthday celebrations that I had my Epiphany, my light bulb moment. I was going to be 53 – in seven years I am going to be 60 – O.M.G, when did that happen?

Now I don’t have a problem with my age. Being 30 was great, 40 was a blast, and 50 rolled on for weeks, months and for some even a year. So why now at a pending 53 did it hit me like a cannon ball? Over time and a few cocktails, my rationale got a grip and I realised it wasn’t being 53 that bothered me, it wasn’t even being within sight of 60, it was just that it wasn’t that far away and I still have so much to do – so much Network She to do.

The last ten years have flown by as I have juggled Network She and a full time then part time job. I don’t have the years to waste being grown up and responsible, it is time to throw caution and a great job, with a great company working with lovely people, to the wind and give my passion – you – the attention you deserve.

2018 Events

My feet haven’t touched the ground since we got back and with the help of Team Network She there is an exciting 2018 ahead, kicking off the year with our Don’t Do It Like a Dude event on 11th January with Emma Sutton. 

We are concentrating on Your Health, Your Wealth in February. March sees the launch of

Women Mean Business Week a full week of events leading up to the International Women’s Day celebrations.

In April we host a Ladies Lunch and launch Business Basics.

In May, in addition to our Network She events we are also involved in supporting TEDxHolyhead.

All these events are in addition to the back ground support we offer via the Boadicea Boardroom, the events we do in conjunction with Nat West and Nelson Myatt Solicitors, and our portfolio of direct business support events with Social Media Saturdays.

So if you haven’t already taken the decorations down, now is the time, and if you haven’t already booked on to any of the forthcoming Network She events, there is nothing like the present. And should you have your own Epiphany in 2018, I genuinely hope that it is on a sundrenched sun bed and not on your doorstep with three foreign looking chaps in fancy dress delivering inappropriate gifts.

Best Wishes & Happy New Year from Ruth Lloyd – Williams aged 53 and 1/12th


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