
International Womens Day

work experience for grown ups

Today, Thursday 8th March 2018 is, amongst other things, my niece’s birthday. She will be 15 and busy finding her feet in the big wide world, well as far as the apron strings will allow. Kaitlyn’s day will be completely ignored by the worlds media as it goes girl crazy over International Women’s Day. An annual day of celebration, recognition and reward

A day celebrating those women who have gone before us, campaigning tirelessly, while risking life and limb so that we have a voice, we have the right to speak up and speak out. So we can vote, putting the tick in the box of sadly, not what we necessarily want, but for what we feel is the best of what is on offer.

International Women’s Day gives us the platform to recognise the women of medicine and science whose discoveries have saved nations. Women of education who have given generations the gift of learning and the power it brings. Women whose humanity and humility have saved thousands of lives during world and civil wars, facing horrendous atrocities, torture and ultimately the giving of their own life.

Stand Together

We stand together today to salute the women who have succeeded in areas of industry, medicine, politics, education, sport, the arts and everyday life, those who stand up for equality, inclusion and a better world.

Award Ceremonies.

This week will be awash with awards ceremonies rewarding the women that are the best of everything, everywhere, from every industry and every sector. Oprah will be rushed off her feet, Michelle Obama will be giving her all for the greater female good and Meryl Streep and her peers will be whooping for women at every opportunity- And why not, if it makes a positive difference to someone somewhere in this crazy world.

But what about you – who is celebrating you. You are a woman, a business woman, a woman with or without a chosen career. You are a mother, a wife, a daughter, sister, friend, companion, confidant. You are building an empire, a home, a family, a network of support- you are at least one if not all of these things and you do all the things you do, why- because that’s just what we do. We do it without celebration, very rarely with recognition and even less so with reward.

Boadicea Boardroom members

International Women’s Day is about all women, women making a difference and that is what you do every day. I am very fortunate to have a friend Jackie. She is by far the most wonderful woman I have ever met. She hasn’t invented a cure for cancer or the common cold, she hasn’t swum the channel, or saved the world. Jackie has a natural talent for bringing out the best in people, for diffusing negativity and making folk be the very best they can be. She won’t receive an award for it today or the recognition she deserves from an overburdened media flying the female flag but she will get a message and a ton of love from me for helping me be the best I can be.

I have humility and modesty off to a tee, as does Jackie, as do most women. We don’t see that what we do makes a difference and find it very uncomfortable to accept thanks, praise or recognition and reward. I have had two unexpected occasions this week to bat off praise with a forearmed smash that Serena Williams would be proud of, firstly from a member of the Boadicea Boardroom who gifted me a poem she had written. I was three verses in before I realised she was writing about me and the difference I had made to her life, I was overwhelmed and emotional. And secondly a gift of flowers and bubbles from another Boadicea, for being there and for the help and advice I had bestowed. Again I was oblivious to the worth of my words and actions.


I was though reminded of a quote from Maya Angelou who said- and I quote- “people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel

So please, if only today on International Women’s Day, make someone aware of the positive difference they have made to you and to your life, however small the gesture, giving them the recognition and reward they deserve will speak volumes and they will never forget how you made them feel

Happy Birthday Kaitlyn, you are the future young lady- no pressure!

Love Auntie Ruth


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